Tuesday, April 25, 2017


I got the Wild Willie's Beard Rinse.The perfect, all-natural, organic way to keep your beard clean, for my son who has started growing a beard and it looks so awful (plz don't send him a message I said this). Anyway, I thought if I got him the rinse he would start to see results with the way it was helping his beard and he would start getting it styled and take better care of that beard. The rinse is made up of blended, powerful vitamins and essential oils. I myself I love essential oils, and I have started getting him use to them. When I told him that's what the rinse way made from he promised me he would start using it. I have, to be honest, he has been using it every night now for a week and yes now he is getting the beard styled and taking better care of it and it looks so awesome!  I would recommend this rinse and the rest of the products by this company ( I got them for him), for getting and keeping your beard looking the best it can look. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01912MS20

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